Friday, April 29, 2011

Just another day

Wow what a day. I am so glad that it is almost over so a new one can start. Right now all I can say is that kids will be kids. My baby girl has been sleeping in my bed due to the fact that she dumped a half of gallon of milk on her bed because she wanted to fill up her own sippy cup. Who knows. Last night was a better night than the night before. My baby is sick with a cold and she was up off and on through the night on Wednesday. But she is getting better. I am ready for the weekend to begin. I have a lot to do during the weekend I just hope that I can get it all done in time. Well I am going to go, but I will be back again soon. TTFN

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My First Entry

First I want to say welcome to My Rambling Corner. I noticed that blogs are becoming kind of popular, so I wanted to start one too. I am a proud mother of 1. She means the world to me. I have been married for almost 8 years now and our love is still pretty strong. I will be writing about what goes on in my life. If I do write about my family or friends I will change their names. I don't need to have their names all over my blog. I am the oldest out of 6 and the funny thing is that they are all taller than I am. I recently got a new member in the family and I am happy to say that he is my step-dad. I am really happy for my mom. I am currently in school working towards my degree to become a preschool teacher. I love working with kids. After I get this degree I will working towards getting my Teacher's Certificate. I can't wait.